Wednesday, 29 February 2012

David Cameron - Slave Driver?

Article 4(2) of the Human Rights Act states ‘No one shall be required to perform force or compulsory labour.’ Despite this, many young people who are claiming jobseekers are finding themselves forced to work for free in fear of getting their jobseekers benefit cut. This is due to the Governments ‘back to work’ scheme.

The Back to work scheme is aimed at people between the age of 16 and 24 who have been unemployed for more than three months. On paper it seems to be a great idea, young people who are claiming benefits are given the opportunity to ‘volunteer’ for a company in order to gain experience. However the reality is not as good, under the ‘back to work’ scheme, many will be expected to ‘volunteer’ full time for up to 8 weeks. Working full time would usually see you earning around £182, based on you working 30 hours per week at minimum wage, yet many young people will be working full time for a pittance of £50 (the average amount of jobseekers benefit.) The word exploitation springs to mind.  It gets worse, if a person leaves their placement after the first week, they stand to lose two weeks of jobseekers. Therefore, it is somewhat baffling to me how the government can use the word ‘voluntary’, surely the potential loss of benefits just screams the word ‘compulsory’ or even ‘blackmail’?

The scheme will affect many graduates who are struggling to find a job. Claiming that it will help them gain vital experience. I am soon to be a graduate and for the past two months, I have applied for numerous jobs, even ones that I do not particularly want. I have even contacted over 20 law firms asking if I could volunteer a couple of days a week while I am still at university in order to gain experience. Call me crazy, but if I am in a position whereby I am forced to claim jobseekers whilst trying to find a job, I do not think that 8 weeks of forced labour in Tesco is going to help me do this.

The scheme has attracted a wealth of opposition, namely that of the Socialist Workers Party. Due to this opposition and the controversy of the subject, many companies have dropped out with Burger King being the most recent but others including Waterstones, Maplin, Sainsburys and Argos. Tesco have remained in but they guarantee a job at the end of the 8 week placement. Why wouldn’t they stay in, it just means that they can get 8 weeks of free slave labour. David Cameron's thoughts on the matter are 'Put a young person into college for a month’s learning, unpaid, and it’s hailed as a good thing. Put a young person into a supermarket for a month’s learning, unpaid, and it’s slammed as slave labour.’   -  Maybe that’s because it is Dave.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Presumption of Death

‘A ‘crazy paving’ of statutory and common law provisions’[1] is how the current law relating to resolving the affairs of missing people has been described. MP’s are calling for the Ministry of Justice to introduce new legislation which will make it easier for families to resolve the affairs of missing people. The proposed legislation is based on the Scottish Presumption of Death Act 1977 under which an average of four orders are made each year.
If successful, a presumption of death order would be obtainable after seven years of a person’s disappearance; this would put an end to all legal issues surrounding the person, much as a death certificate would. However, it has also been suggested that extra provisions are brought in to deal with the missing person’s financial affairs up to four years before the presumption of death order can be awarded. These will be known as ‘guardianship’ orders and would allow families to deal with the person’s property, including the paying off of mortgages, dealing with direct debits, cancelling credit cards or even providing maintenance for any dependants of the missing person.
People such as Rachel Elias and Peter Lawrence, both, who have suffered the tragedy of a disappearing family member, support the proposals. Peter Lawrence has described the difficulties that he faced following the disappearance of his daughter. He says that it was impossible to cancel her direct debits, or switch money between bank accounts due to the lack of suitable legislation.  If the proposals are to come into force, then families of those that a presumed to be dead will have a greater peace of mind when it comes to dealing with their affairs.
Critics of the proposed legislation claim that it is dangerous to presume a death has occurred with no evidence and therefore, their affairs should not be meddled with. However in the 34 years since Scotland introduced its Presumption of Death Act only one person has ever reappeared.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Minimum wage for trainee solicitors is to be scrapped.

There are plenty of nervous whispers travelling around at the moment as it has been announced that the minimum wage for trainee solicitors may soon be abolished. The minimum wage, which has been around since 1982 and was implemented to prevent trainee solicitors being exploited, currently stands at £18,590 for those working in central London and £16,650 for everywhere else. However, it has now been condemned by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) who claims that there is no justification for keeping it.

In the consultation paper (found here), the SRA claim that the wage deters many firms from taking on trainees and by removing it, it would increase the number of opportunities for students. They deny the claims that this may result in trainees being exploited, saying that they will still be protected by the National Minimum Wage (£6.08p/h).

What it seems that they fail to take into account is, by the time the start their training, that many students, will be over £30,000 in debt. The Legal Practice course alone sets students back £8500 and with no Government funding available, many people are forced to turn to bank loans. By removing the minimum pay rate for trainees, many people will be deterred from the legal profession as they simply would not be able to afford to pay back their loans.
People who are willing to invest over £30,000 for a career as a solicitor would find themselves earning a wage that they could of earned working behind a bar.

The SRA also seems to be forgetting that trainee solicitors also have living costs. Many people are already finding it difficult facing the rising prices in the current economic climate, never mind having loans to pay back on top of this. If the current pay rate is to be scraped, then the only people that would realistically be able to train are those that come from the more wealthy families. Read more about the proposals here

The fate of the minimum wage will be announced on 12th May 2012.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

Friday, 17 February 2012

Proprietary Estoppel

Should the Doctrine of Proprietary Estoppel be Based on the Notion of Unconscionability Alone?

It is possible to trace proprietary estoppel right back to the 17th century and for many years; there have been many attempts to lay down a definitive test for it. During the well known case of Wilmot v Barber, five criteria were laid down, these were known as the five probanda, however, these conditions were so restrictive that development of the doctrine was essentially impossible, the conditions were soon dismissed as they were unable to adapt to the many different situations in which proprietary estoppel can arise, flexibility was restored by the judgement in the High Trees case[1]. In following years, a wider approach was adopted, in which unconscionability became the main underlying principle. In the case of Taylors Fashions Ltd, Oliver J expanded upon the doctrine which was originally laid out in Wilmot v Barber, stating that ‘it would be unconscionable for a party to be permitted to deny that which, knowingly or unknowingly, he had allowed or encouraged another to assume to his detriment.’[2]

It is now recognised that there are three main criteria that need to be satisfied for a proprietary estoppel claim to succeed, Lord Walker says that there must be an assurance made to the claimant, a reasonable reliance on that assurance by the claimant which leads to a detriment suffered by the claimant in consequence of that reliance, meanwhile, the notion of unconscionability runs throughout these criteria. Lord Scott once commented that ‘unconscionability…plays a very important part in the doctrine of equitable estoppel, in unifying and confirming as it were, the other elements.’[3] Due to the fact that unconscionability plays sucha major role within the doctrine, proprietary estoppel ‘has wide application, but its boundaries are uncertain and its effects are not entirely clear.’[4]

The first element that is required for an estoppel claim is encouragement. The belief of the claimant must have been encouraged by the defendant; this can be done explicitly or implicitly. For example, if the defendant were to useprecise wording to assure the claimant, then he will be explicitly encouraging him, this can be demonstrated by the cases of Inwards v Baker[5],where the claimants father suggested he build a bungalow on his land, and Pascoe v Turner[6],where the claimant repaired a house relying on a man’s promise that the house was now hers. Passive encouragement is where a defendant realises that the claimant has made an assumption, yet does nothing to intervene.  The encouragement must be that the claimant had or would have a right over certain land or property; this can either be through a gift or a contract. This was the case inLayton v Martin, where the claimant said that the deceased encouraged her to live with him as his mistress with the understanding that he would make a financial provision for her in his will.

 During the case of Thorner v Major[7], Lloyd LJ clearly focused on the important question of whether there was a promise on the part of the defendant or a mere statement of current intention. However, Lloyd LJ’s emphasis on the idea of whether the representation was ‘intended to be relied on’ might lead to the assumption that he believed that a proprietary estoppel claim should fail if the defendant had not subjectively intended that the claimant should rely on the representation. ‘As a matter of principle, it seems clear that no successful proprietary estoppel claim should be possible in the testamentary context unless the defendant’s representation can reasonably understood to involve a promise, explicit or implicit, that the claimant will ultimately inherit on the testators death.’

Robert Walker LJ once commented that, ‘The whole point of estoppel claims is that they concern promises, which, since they are unsupported by consideration, are initially revocable, what later makes them binding, and therefore irrevocable, is the promisee’s detrimental reliance on them. Once that occurs, there is simply no question of the promisor changing his or her mind.’[8] In a later case, he also said that ‘even when a promise or assurance is in terms linked to the making of a will, the circumstances may make clear that the assurance is more than a mere statement of present (revocable) intention, and is tantamount to a promise.’[9]
The next element is reliance, to be able to raise a proprietaryestoppel; the claimant must show that he has relied on the defendant’s encouragement to his detriment. ‘The claimant must have spent money or acted in a way which he would not have done if the landowner had not built up an expectation in his mind.’[10]In the case of Inwards v Baker[11], the son built a bungalow on his father’s field upon his father’s suggestion and relying on his fathers promise, similarly , in the case of ER Ives Investment v High[12], High allowed the foundations of neighbouring flats to remain and built a garage facing the forecourt of the flats because he expected a right of access.However, the encouragement doesn’t have the only cause of the reliance, as in the case ofAmalgamated Investment and Property Co Ltd v Texas Commerce International Bank Ltd[13].  In order to prove this reliance, the courts will simply presume that it exists, provided that the claimant has acted to his detriment, during the case of Brikom Investments, Lord Denning stated that ’once it is shown that a representation was calculated to influence the judgement of a reasonable man, the presumption is that he was so influenced.’[14]However, this presumption will, of course, be reversed if contrary evidence is proven. It will be believed that there has been a reliance in some of the following situations; where the claimant has suffered a personal disadvantage as in the case of Wayling v Jones, where the claimanthelped in the running of a business. Where a claimant works as a carer to their detriment, as demonstrated byJennings v Rice, where the claimant cared for an elderly lady and began living in her home without payment for almost 28 years, on the reliance that he would inherit the family home. Over the years the courts have ‘come to focus on the general fairness of the circumstances and whether or not the defendant would be taking an unconscionable advantage of the claimant.’[15]

Next, the claimant must have suffered a detriment, ‘There is no doubt that for a proprietary estoppel to arise the person claiming must have incurred expenditure or otherwise have prejudiced himself or acted to his disadvantage.’[16]Most detriments involve money payments, such as the case of Jones v Jones[17] which involved the part payments of the purchase price supporting a claim to license to reside in the property. As well as this, labour on behalf of the claimant can also be a detriment, for example building a house, building an extension, or decorating, as in the case of Sharpe[18]. It does not have to be a substantial detriment for a claimant to make a claim, it can be small acts, such as making mortgage payments, as in the case of Preston & Henderson v St.Helens MBC[19] , or caring for relatives as in Piquet v Tyler[20] and Campbell v Griffin[21] where the claimant was assured by an elderly couple that she would have a home for life. When it comes to awarding a remedy for an estoppel, the weight of detriment may become relevant. Recent cases now suggest that, for this element to be satisfied, the representee must be left unconscionably disadvantaged by reliance on the relevant assurance.

Finally, unconscionability must be established. Detriment is now linked with unconscionability as much as it is linked with reliance.  This was recently confirmed by Lord Scott in Yeoman’s Row Management v Cobbe[2008] ‘Unconscionability in my opinion plays a very important part in the doctrine of equitable estoppel, in unifying and confirming, as it were, the other elements.’[22] There are many factors which the courts must examine, these include, whether the claimant has delayed in seeking a remedy as delay defeats equities. Whether there has been any relevant misconduct on the part of the representee as he who comes to equity must come with clean hands. Whether the representee had access to other means of protecting or safeguarding his position as in Lloyds Bank plc v Carrick[23]. Whether there are or have been counter-balancing advantages for the representee that may counter act any disadvantage allegedly suffered, as in the case of Sledmore v Dalby.[24]

Although unconscionabililty is highly important, many scholars argue that it must always be used in conjunction with the other three criteria as it is much too broad to be used on its own, it is a common interest that ‘the only work the concept of unconscionability should do in the law of proprietary estoppel is to point to what is necessary, by way of remedy, to protect the reliance interest. No more and no less is required.’[25] Similarly in the recent case of Thorner v Major it was identified that the three elements are needed, it was said that ‘These elements would, I think, always be necessary but might, in a particular case, not be sufficient.’ Hudson points out the problems that may arise if only unconscionability was to be taken into account, he says that ‘there is a disjunction of our good conscience and our notion of good conscience which is legally actionable.’[26] He gives the example of a friend promising to telephone another friend, but really has no intention of telephoning them, this would seem to be unconscionable as lying is not the behaviour of an honest person, however, it would not be considered to be legally actionable.  This is the reason that detrimental reliance is necessary, ‘none of the jurists actually intends to capture all unconscionable behaviour; only unconscionable behaviour which falls into established catagories.’[27]
However, there have been some exceptions where it has appeared that there has been no criteria and a claim for proprietary estoppel has been based mainly on the suggestion of unconscionability, for example the recent case of Herbert v Doyle[28]. In this case no certain interest was ever formulated, the defendant argued that due to this, the three ingredients were never present. However proprietary estoppel was awarded, it was held that the first agreement they made was enough to create an assurance. Sometimes ‘unconscionability alone is discussed because factors other than detrimental reliance are decisive.’[29]
Proprietary estoppel and unconscionability, up until the recent case of Yeoman’s Row, have had a very broad scope, it is ‘this unconscionability that frees the court from the strictures of the formalities requirements imposed by statute.’[30]However, Thorner v Major is important as it appears to retreat from the restrictive approach to proprietary estoppel favoured by the House of Lords in Yeoman’s Row, which ‘disturbed the emerging understanding of proprietary estoppel as being based on the prevention of unconscionability’[31] This decision was carefully analysed in the later case of Thorner v Major were the assurances that were made were oblique, yet proprietary estoppel was still awarded. It is now accepted that unconscionability shall be used alongside the three ingredients, in the case of Gillet v Holt, the courts approach was that ‘ estoppel claims should not be dissected too closely by analysis of the three “ingredients” but should be looked at in total to see if the denial of the claimants right is unconscionable.’[32]Similarly, Dixon is of the opinion that ‘even if the claimant has relied to detriment on an assurance there can be no proprietary estoppel without unconscionability.’[33] As well as this, In the case of Gillet v Holt, Lord Walker said ‘It is important to note at the outset that the doctrine of proprietary estoppel cannot be treated as sub-divided into three or four watertight compartments.’[34]

On the whole it can be seen that the judgement of Lord Scott was indeed correct, ‘proprietary estoppel cannot be the route to it unless the ingredients for a proprietary estoppel are present’, without the three elements, the doctrine is blown wide open and becomes much too broad. Although it can be seen that unconscionable behaviour is unfair to the claimant, if claims succeeded on this alone, it would be unfair to the defendant. It can be difficult to the courts to make fair decisions, it is for this reason that they should stick to guidelines, if proprietary estoppel was based on unconscionability alone, then it would become unclear to what the law was. The three ‘ingredients’ provide a basis for precedent whilst the notion of unconscionability satisfies the need for flexibility.  Lord Goff summed up the essence of estoppel during his speech in the case of Johnson v Gore Wood & co, where he said ‘In the end, I am inclined to think that the many circumstances capable of giving rise to an estoppel  cannot be accommodated within a single formula, and that it is unconscionability which provides a link between them’[35]The case law seems to suggest that you simply cannot have one without the other, unconscionability and detrimental reliance are intertwined and constantly developing. ‘The two cases do not justify confidence that the House of Lords has yet come fully to grips with the considerable complexities of proprietary estoppel.’[36]

[1]Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd [1956] 1 All ER 256
[2]Taylors Fashions Ltd v Liverpool Victoria Trustees Co Ltd; Old Campbell Ltd v Liverpool Victoria Trustees Co Ltd [1981] 1 All ER 897
[3]Yeoman’s Row Management v Cobbe [2008] UKHL 55
[4]Law Com No.278, Sharing Homes, p.33
[5]Inwards and Others v Baker [1965] 1 All ER 446
[6]Pascoe v Turner [1979] 2 All ER 945
[7]Thorner v Major and Others              [2009] UKHL 18
[8]The Limits of Proprietary Estoppel; Thorner v Major [2009] CFLQ 367
[9]Gillet v Holt [2002] Ch 210
[10]P.SparksA New Land Law  (2nd Ed, Hart Publishing, 2003) p.483             
[11]Inwards and Others v Baker [1965] 1 All ER 446
[12]ER Ives Investment v High [1967] 2 QB 379 CA
[13]Amalgamated Investment and Property Co Ltd v Texas Commerce International Bank Ltd [1981] All ER 577
[14]Brikom Investments v Carr [1979] QB 476, 483, CA
[15]A.HudsonEquity and Trusts (6th Ed, Routledge Cavendish, 2010)  P.599
[16]Greasley and Others v Cooke [1980] 3 All ER 710
[17]Jones v Jones [1977] 1 WLR 438
[18]Sharpe v  Sharpe [1980] 1 WLR 219
[19]Preston & Henderson v St.Helens MBC [1989] 58 P&CR
[20]Piquet v Tyler [1978] CLYB 119
[21]Campbell v Griffin [2001] EWCA Civ 990
[22]Yeoman’s Row management v Cobbe [2008] UKHL 55
[23]Lloyds Bank plc v Carrick [1996] 4 All ER 630
[24]Sledmore v Dalby [1996] 72 P&CR 196
[25]E.Bant&M.HardingExploring Private Law (Cambridge University Press, 2010) p.15
[26]A.HudsonEquity and Trusts (6th Ed, Routledge Cavendish, 2010) P.586 
[27]A.HudsonEquity and Trusts (6th Ed, Routledge Cavendish, 2010) P.586
[28]Herbert v Doyle and Another           [2010] All ER (D) 126
[29]E.CookeThe Modern Law of Estoppel (Oxford University Press, 2000) P.87
[30]M.DixonPrinciples of Land Law (4th Ed, Cavendish Publishing, 2002)P.331           
[31]A.HudsonEquity and Trusts (6th Ed, Routledge-Cavendish, 2010) P607
[32]M.DixonPrinciples of Land Law (4th Ed, Cavendish Publishing, 2002)P.332           
[33]M.DixonPrinciples of Land Law(4th Ed, Cavendish Publishing, 2002)P.332 
[34]Gillet v Holt [2002] Ch 210
[35]Johnson v Gore Wood & Co (No.1)  [2002] 2 AC 1
[36]The limits of proprietary estoppel: Thorner v Major [2009] CFLQ 367

Monday, 13 February 2012

Badger Cull

The Badger Cull is a Government proposal which intends a mass killing of Badgers throughout England and Wales. The reason for this is that Badgers are the main carriers of Bovine Tuberculosis and are spreading it to the cattle. More than 25,000 cattle were slaughtered due to the disease last year alone. This is causing many problems for farmers and the tax payer, it is estimated that TB is cost steadily increasing and is estimated to cost a billion pound over a period of ten years if the disease isn’t stopped. This article suggests that the culling of badgers is a questionable method of preventing the spread of TB amongst cattle, due to the implications of perturbation and the amount it will cost, and how the government should find another way to reduce the spread of TB, through such methods as vaccinations, and cattle movement.
Key Words: Badger Cull, Tuberculosis, Animal Welfare.
Autumn of 2012 marks a dark time for badgers throughout England as UK Government has now given the badger culling trials the go ahead. The environment secretary has said that culling trials will take place in two areas of England. The Government claim that the culling of tens of thousands of badgers will help to control the spread of TB amongst cattle, despite much evidence that culling can be ineffective. It has been said that not only does localised badger culling fail to control but also seems to increase TB incidence in cattle. (Donnelly and Others 2003) It was also said that ‘incomplete removal of badgers during localized badger trials had, at best, no effect, at worst an increase.’ (Carter and Others 2007)
The Badger, for many years now, has been one of the most protected animals in British wildlife. Unlike rabbits, or foxes up until recently, it is illegal to kill or harm a badger under The Badgers Act 1973, yet for three decades, badges have been culled by the British   government, seemingly to no avail. In order to tackle the increasing problem of Bovine Tuberculosis amongst cattle, it is important to tackle to disease in badgers. Over the past thirty years, thousands of badgers have been slaughtered in an attempt to tackle the disease. The largest case of these culls was the randomised badger culling trial, which took place over a period of 10 years and was conducted by the Independent Scientific Group, led by Lord Krebbs. During these trials badgers were trapped in cages and then shot.
The Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB (ISG), has now disbanded and concluded that badger culling is unlikely to contribute effectively to the control of cattle TB in Britain. In the randomised badger culling trials, it was found that only 11 percent of the badgers that were culled were actually infected with TB, the British Government suspended the trials in 2003 because of its failure to reduce the incidence of cattle TB, the trial showed that that culling could be expected to help very little. The main reason for the failure, was perturbation. This is where the social patterns of badges are disturbed, causing them to leave their setts and move to a different area. In the randomized badger culling trials, it was found that there was a 23% reduction of TB inside proactive culling areas, but a 25% increase of TB in a 2km surrounding area. (Carter and Others 2007) The results show that the culling of badgers only makes the spread of TB worse and does not contain the disease; instead, it encourages the movement of badgers. (Woodruff and Others 2005) In order to effectively prevent perturbation, the cull would have to take place over a very large area so that badgers cannot move unnoticed between areas.
Experts brought in by DEFRA have said that the cull will reduce TB in cattle by 15 and 16 percent, leaving 85 percent of cattle still infected. (The Independent) Lead scientist of the randomised badger culling trials, Lord Krebbs, condemns the idea, believing that the expected reduction is too small to be worth it. Not only this, but during the randomised badger culling trials, the badgers were caged before being shot, free shooting has never been tested so the Government figures may not be correct, there may be an even smaller percent of reduction. Not only this, but the idea of placing farmers in charge of the cull is a dangerous one, if farmers get bored of culling, due to lack of results, or if the ownership of the culled land changes, then an increase of TB would be very likely.
 It is suggested that cattle movement testing is a much more effective way of dealing with the disease. Cattle movement testing is simply the process whereby, when cattle is moved between herds, they should be tested pre-movement to ensure that they are free of disease, and therefore do not spread it to un-diseased herds. This method had been noted to help reduce the incidence of TB amongst cattle, however, it does not eliminate the spread of the disease completely. The National Trust, in a letter to the Government, suggested that the government tried using the method of cattle moving, and put the success of Northern Ireland down to pre-movement testing and a good system of cattle movement. (House of Commons, 2007-08) It has been said that it is ‘simply confirmed that badger culling will never be a solution to the problem of bovine TB. This makes it vital that DEFRA focuses its energies on controlling the movement of infected livestock.’ (Kavanagh 2006)
It is said that trapping and catching the badgers will cost too much, as will injecting vaccinations. Oral bait, has not yet been developed, it is expected to be ready by around 2015. Yet DEFRA have revealed that only £250,000 a year will be invested into research for badger vaccinations, whilst millions will be spent on killing them (DEFRA 2011) Ideally, the Government should concentrate on developing cattle vaccinations but there are EU regulations in place, which may take years to change. However, if more money and time was spent on these alternatives, rather than the cull, they may be achieved sooner than expected.
Parliament themselves have questioned the implications of attempting to wipe out an entire species of animal, they claim that culls, resulting in a long term removal of badgers would be opposed by English Nature, the Government agency which works to preserve the natural environment, and say that even the temporary removal of badgers would have a significant ‘conservation concern.’ (House of Commons 2006) Badgers will not be caged when they are shot, and as the culling will take place at night, it is more than likely that the badgers will be wounded rather than killed, and will suffer a slow, drawn out death. It has been said that ‘it is often difficult to distinguish the body from an average background. In fact, recognition of the badger is typically as a shapeless lump that is distinguished from the background chiefly by the ring of shadow created by the lamp...’ (RSPCA response to DEFRA consultation) This difficulty in identifying the badgers body will almost definitely result in wounding rather than a quick and painless death.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Farmers have to pay the costs of the cull, this initially sounds good for tax payers, but it will still end up costing the Government millions, so much that the cost will outweigh the benefits. Cost more than TB. The cost of policing will be very high as many of the public are opposed to the cull, two thirds of people openly condemn the cull and in a survey of 100 people, it was found that the single most preferred treatment of badgers was no culling at all (White and Whiting 2000) Animal rights activists are angry at the Governments decision and it is expected that many people will try to interfere with the cull to prevent it happening. DEFRA have stated that it will be impossible for the culling locations to be kept a secret from the public as local people need to be consulted before the cull begins. It has been decided that the cull will have to take place after the Olympics due to police resources being overstretched. It could cost up to 20 million just for policing costs alone over a period of four years. It will cost up to £4 million just for the two trials alone. (The Telegraph, 2012) Government figures suggest that they will have to pay out £1.4 million in each cull area, and only get £1.16 million back. It is not about protecting wildlife, it is all about money.
David Cameron has claimed that he wants his Government to be the ‘greenest ever government’ yet he is happy to go along with the cull, which will contribute to the destruction of wildlife. It has been said that the plan to cull badgers in England shows the new government does not respect scientific advice (Nature 2010) There is a wealth of evidence to show that culling simply does not go far enough to prevent the incidence of TB amongst cattle, yet the Government are determined to go ahead with this controversial plan. Millions of pounds will be spent and thousands of badgers will be slaughtered for such a small, 16% reduction of the disease amongst cattle. Many groups have asked the government to focus their time and money on other alternatives, such as vaccinations. It seems that the cull is simply in place as the Government are keen to appear to be acting upon the situation immediately, Environment Secretary, Caroline Spelman has stated that ‘we cannot just do nothing’(The Telegraph, 2011), even though it has been said that ‘government-implemented, culling appears to be less effective at controlling cattle TB than no (legal) culling at all.’ (Woodruff and Others 2005), therefore, doing nothing, would be the preferable option. Leading scientists have condemned the idea and the majority of the public have expressed upset at the idea, yet for now, it seems that it is to go ahead.


RSPCA response to DEFRA consultation, Bovine Tuberculosis: The Government’s approach to tackling the disease and consultation on a badger control policy, found at:

The Independent (2011) ‘Caroline Spelman fires starting gun on badger cull’, found at:

DEFRA, 2011, Update on measures to tackle bovine TB, found at:

Woodruff and Others 2005: WOODRUFF.R & OTHERS (2005) Effects of culling on badger Meles meles spatial organization: implications for the control of bovine tuberculosis, Journal of Applied Ecology Vol: 43 pp1-10

MACDONALD.D.W, RIORDAN.P & MATTHEWS.F (2006) Biological hurdles to the control of TB in cattle: A test of two hypotheses concerning wildlife to explain the failure of control, Biological conservation vol 131 p: 268-286
Carter and Others 2007: CARTER.S.P & Others (2007) Culling-induced social perturbation in Eurasian badgers Meles meles and the management of TB in cattle: an analysis of a critical problem in applied ecology The Royal Society Vol: 274 pp2769-2777
White and Whiting 2000: White.p.c.l & Whiting.S.J 2000 Public attitudes towards badger culling to control bovine tuberculosis in cattle Vetinary record Vol 147 pp179-184
House of Commons, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, Bovine TB: Badger Culling, Sixth Report of session 2005-06 Vol 2
House of Commons, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, Badgers and Cattle TB: The final report of the independent scientific group on cattle TB. Fourth report on session 2007-08 Vol 2
Donnelly and Others 2003: Donnelly.C.A & Others 2003, Impact of localised badger culling on tuberculosis incidence on British cattle, Nature, Vol:426 pp 834-837
Kavanagh 2006: Kavanagh.D, A Country Pillow Book (2006 Dram B\ooks)
Nature 2010: Nature (2010) International Weekly Journal of Science, Vol: 467

The Telegraph, 2011, Badger Cull; The doubts remain, found at:

The Telegraph 2012, Cull of thousands of badgers will be 'difficult to police' warns David Cameron, found at: